Lamb's Black Spiced Rum 750ml

  • Lamb's Black Spiced Rum 750ml

Step into a world where myth and flavor collide with our Black Spiced Rum, a meticulously crafted, luxurious blend of flavors and aromas designed to captivate your senses. With a rich coffee hue and hints of dark burgundy, this medium-bodied rum offers a delightful sweetness and a harmonious palate of baker's cocoa, brown sugar, and allspice cake. The balanced finish, infused with whispers of rum, lingers for 45 seconds, inviting you to savor every sip. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer things, our Black Spiced Rum promises an unforgettable drinking experience meant to be enjoyed straight, allowing its complex flavors to shine. Join the legend of Alfred Lamb as he faced the mighty Medusa, using his bottle of golden rum to reflect her deathly gaze and turn her to stone – and his rum as black as her heart. Or so the story goes... Dive into the enchantment of our Black Spiced Rum and discover a taste that transcends time and myth. 

Tasting Notes
Body: Medium with slight sweetness. Palate: Baker's cocoa powder, brown sugar, allspice cake. Finish: Balanced ending with rum.

Size 750ml Bottle