Malibu Pineapple 750ml

  • Malibu Pineapple 750ml

The Malibu success story began in 1978 under the name Coco Rico. Since Malibu officially debuted in 1980, its rich flavours and distinctive taste captivated people, quickly establishing the brand as a symbol of a carefree lifestyle. For years, the white rum in Malibu originated from a distillery on a Barbados beach. Presently, Malibu is primarily blended and produced in Canada, with additional production taking place in the US and Spain. So let the sunshine in and enjoy a timeless pineapple classic because summer is whenever you say it is.

Tasting Notes
A distinct and natural pineapple flavor that captures the taste of sun-ripened pineapples from the Caribbean.

Size 750ml Bottle